Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Picnic 01-24-2006

Items I found while perusing my blogroll.


  1. What About the Children?...

    I'm angry! Really angry. What's the deal with Iraq? There seem to be way too many people over there. I don't mean our people. I mean theirs. Especially children. What about the children?
    They're over there, running around, playing soccer. Sometim ...

  2. Data-Mining, the FISA Court, and Wartime...

    Have NSA data-mining and the FISA court gotten you down? Feel like you’re being watched? Maybe some explaining would help, from DoHS Sec. Michael Chertoff.


  3. Tuesday Open Trackback / Linkfest...

    Tuesday Open Trackback / Linkfest


  4. US Navy Captures Pirates of Somalia Coast...

    So far 23 vessels have been captured by pirates, their crew ransomed and the funds possibly financing Al-Qeada....

  5. What's the fuss?...

    If these firemen qualified, they get the benefits like anyone else. End of story. There was no limit on the amount of food stamps paid out. Mr. Vollman and the other complaining activists need a life....

  6. Progressive Mental Afflictions...

    We have all heard of a few of the afflictions that the Left has. Disorders such as PEST (post election selection trauma), 9/10/01 Syndrome, and BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome.) Well, what are some of the other ones they suffer...

  7. A hero's Welcome...

    They gave their troops a royal escort, a state police escort from their Armory to the New York State line as the troops' buses made their way out on the first leg of their deployment in Afghanistan.

    It was exhilarating but bittersweet as it remind....

  8. [...] This post is linked to the following fine blogs who are offering open trackbacks today: Third World County, Don Surber, Adam’s Blog, Right Wing Nation, Basil’s Blog, [...]

  9. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Andrea Kozlowski....

  10. Department of Redundancy Department...

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... It's Kerry-180 Tuesday (+ Open Trackbacks)...

  11. I guess he covers bloggers too...

    God bless all bloggers....

  12. TORINO 2006 Pregame (part 1)...

    In keeping with our motto: "Let no major event go unfisked" (ok, it's my motto...and I made it up five minutes ago...let's move on) the Yaks are proud to bring you our special coverage of the 2006 Winter Olympics. Because when y...

  13. It Is About Time We Were Politically Incorrect Part II...

    It has become necessary to explain to the Liberal side of the Blogosphere that despite the hurling accusations......

  14. Coalition Against Illegal Immigration...

    We have started a coalition of bloggers to fight against illegal immigration. The concept is simple:

    Email me and ask to be part of the coalition
    Display the provided code for the blogroll on your blog
    Every time one of the members writes an article ...

  15. Pride: Joel Stein...

    THIS is why America and Western Civilization are better than the Caliphate.

    This is why we must fight and win.

  16. The Daily Brew (06.0124)...

    Flavor du Jour: The State of Education - "Teach Your Children Well" by David, Special Corresblogdent from Third World County...

  17. Eddie could use some help......

    Mom in America has a post about Eddie Ryan. He needs our help so he can go home. Please read Mom's post. If you don't know Eddie, he was a sniper in Iraq. He was shot in the head and jaw. Despite the odds he has survived and is slowly recovering....

  18. Radioactive Liberty » Blog Archive » What About the Children?February 9, 2006 at 8:48 PM

    [...] Linked on Basil’s Blog,Mudville Gazette [...]


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