Sunday, January 8, 2006

Picnic 01-08-2006

Items I found while perusing my blogroll.


  1. "Arrogant idealogues who think they're never wrong...

    Its about more than 700 students. Its about getting children a proper education. In addition to the 700, how about all those other children in failing schools who didn't get these vouchers and never will? They still aren't getting an education and wh...

  2. Henry V and the Motives for War...

    An hallucinatory Shakspearean parallel....

  3. Listen Up, Muslims, Allah Is Angry!...

    Could it be that God is trying to wake up Muslims to reject the aberrant strain of Islamo-fascism that is beclouding His earth? Might be.


  4. Downs Syndrome and amniocentesis...

    why have the amnio? It endangers the child's life and for what reason? Nothing can be done for a child who has Down's. Unless the mother plans on aborting, she for no reason should have this test....

  5. Wal-Mart - Damned if You Do - or Don't...

    Poor ol' Wal-Mart is now getting hammered again. Nope, not for denying employees lunch breaks, nor where it locates its stores, and not even for demanding supplier efficiency. Those slams on Wal-Mart were "yesterday."
    Now we have incident o ......

  6. Libs New Tack On Alito ...

    But what is new is Clift outlining the new Democratic tack in opposing any and all Republican nominees to the Supreme Court: How often has the nominee ruled in favor of the executive branch....


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