Thursday, January 19, 2006

Picnic 01-19-2006

Items I found while perusing my blogroll.


  1. The Jerry Springer, Al Gore, Ray Nagin, Hillary Clinton, Jack Murtha America...

    It seems that the latest liberal tactic for winning the American voter doesn't involve any new ideas or impressive policy debates. These democrats say that they want to take back the congress and take back the White House. We don't doubt it.

    From Al...

  2. Obama Backs Clinton’s Criticism of GOP...

    “Miz Hill’ry, she done tol’ it like it wuz, yowzah, she did,” Obama said. A Clinton spokesman said Obama would be allowed to sleep in the big house tonight.


  3. Political Posturing and the Alito Confirmation...

    The week-long broken-word delay of the Judiciary committee's vote on Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito is going according to plan. That's not to say that it is going according to the stated purpose of allowing the Senators to return from MLK day ev...

  4. Lobby Reform Act...

    Well congress is back and the crazy season is in full swing....

  5. The Tempest and the Plantation...

    An hallucinatory Shakespearean parallel between The Tempest and Senator Clinton's Plantation remarks...

  6. Podcast #105: The Greatest American Value (Transcript Included)...

    You can listen to the Podcast here. I rarely prewrite these, but this one I felt a strong compunction to write and I've posted the transcript below. Click here to listen to the podcast. Here's a related post by another blogger in the same vein.


  7. The Knuckleheads of the Day award...

    Today's winners are Winn Dixie Stores, in particular Store #256 in Boynton Beach Florida and its two pharmacists Alan Levin and Jules....

  8. Oakland gang wars: Islam's golem?...

    Reading about the news of the black Muslim gangs who were vandalizing Arab-Muslim owned stores in the Oakland area because they didn't want them selling alcohol to their community, I have to wonder: Disgusting as these crimes are, could this be a sig....

  9. Collage Professor Rails Against American Empire...

    There are several ways to make a living espousing nonsense. One is to run for office, another is to become a collage professor....

  10. Thanks for the juicing, basil......

  11. "Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet"...

    curmudgeonly rant/ON... In 1209, Arnaud-Amaury, the Abbot of Citeaux, won his place in history with a memorable quote. Referring to the people of Beziers in Southern France, he issued the edict, "Kill them all; God will know his own." Barbarous, ......

  12. 24 vs. Over There...

    The huge ratings success of 24 on Fox is due to its unapologetic portrayal of the prototypical American Hero and the USA in general as the good guys.
    No matter what the moonbats say most Americans believe this at their very core

  13. Manchin can't tame 'wild, wonderful' ...

    THE governor is replacing the "Wild, Wonderful West Virginia" signs with 28 "Open for Business" signs. What an insult. Even worse, the signs were made in Kentucky.
    What is with Joe Manchin's obsession with ridding the state of "Wild, Wonderful"...

  14. The Call For Hudna...

    What the speaker is calling for is a hudna, a strategic and tactical period so that he can regroup and rearm in light of the serious damaged done to his minions by coalition forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, and around the world. He needs time to regroup .....

  15. Thanks for defending me earlier today, basil.


  16. He was trying to give police the slip...

    Some news from West Virginia...

  17. If it sounds too good to be true...

    Mr. Hoose learned his lesson. He tried to save $20 and it cost him almost $500....


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