Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Picnic 01-18-2006

Items I found while perusing my blogroll.


  1. Now Sane Actions?...

    First their were the sane words from Sen. Dianne Feinstein, "This might be a man I disagree with, but it doesn't mean he shouldn't be on the court." Unfortunately, she doesn't plan to back that up with her actions. In other words, words were all ...

  2. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Osama Saeed....

  3. You are overworked, under appreciated and we love you!

  4. Under-Rated Blogs...

    Go over and put your 2 cents here - for what it is worth! h/t Basil...

  5. Ray Nagin Talks to Willie Wonka...

    Now that God got Mayor Nagin in trouble he's consulted with Willie Wonka to get the recipe right for a chocolate city....

  6. Ask me Ask me Ask me...............

    Basil is daring to enter the Atlasphere! hOOha. Got a question for Atlas? Now is your chance. Your one window of opportunity. Do not squander it!Ask your questions of Pamela of Atlas Shrugs by clicking herehere') //-->...

  7. Thanks Ronnie, One More Time...

    In Honor of the 25th anniversary of the first inauguration of President Ronald W. Reagan, we salute the memory of this great man with the following:


  8. Wednesday Frivol (January 18, 2006)...

    Welcome to the Wednesday Frivol news:Our top story tonight:"To Err is Human, To Err Mail is IRS" When a Washington couple re...

  9. Oklahoma City Bombing Witness To Be Freed...

    So the "star witness" in the prosecution on Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols is being released. A blip on the news radar....

  10. A Pro-Lifer's thoughts on Assisted Suicide...

    Those with common sense know when life begins... but when does life end?...

  11. With quiet now in Hebron, disturbing experiences.....

    Israel National News presents a report on the experiences of Jewish residents of Hebron, most ancient Jewish city in history, in the recent days since Ehud Olmert's trying to evict them took place and led to riots...

  12. We's Mountain Williams ...

    Ann Booth sent an email to a bunch of us protesting "hillbillies." We want to be known as Appalachian-Americans from now on, says she....

  13. Sixty-Seven masochists...

    I took part in this annual ritual from 1997 to 2002 also know as the Star Tournaments World Championships. 3 days of 16 hours(0r more) a day of the Strat-o-matic baseball board game if you are skilled enough to make the finals....

  14. MicroScopic Marketing On the MillionDollarHomePage...

    The MillionDollarHomePage Alex Tew set up a web page of a 1,000,000 pixels; selling each pix for $1. Alex has auctioned off his last 1,000 pixels for $38,100 US and explains that: ... officially all one million pixels on......


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