Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Picnic 2006-05-10

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.


  1. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Julie Hunt...

  2. [...] ***** The witty, and creative Basil of Basil’s Blog has linked to this post with Picnic 2006-05-10 Technorati Tags:  2006, 2008, bloggosphere, borders, civil liberties, conservatism, Democrats, DNC, GOP, guns, Hillary Clinton, illegal immigration, liberalism, libertarianism, news, news and politics, politics, Republicans, Russ Feingold, security [...]

  3. Fly swatters beware!...

    Can anyone tell me who besides a scientist can differentiate betwen species of flies? What are these flies in danger of? Development? All I know this is more regulations that one day will get in the way of some project or development beneficial to Ha.....

  4. Fairfax Killer Had Fled Psychiatric Center...

    Our society has abandoned the concept that people who exhibit anti social behavior need supervision...

  5. DINO Hunting Season?...

    Looks like the far left of the blogosphere has decided to start lynching everyone in the Democratic party who thinks differently from them including Joe Lieberman, Richard Cohen, Carl Pope, and Johnathan Chait just to name a few. Why? For thinking diff...

  6. Web Project...

    Time to make oodles of money… or something like that.


  7. wow, this blog is not what i expected when i saw the ecosystem rankings.

    topical trash.

    au revoir.

  8. eteraz: So, you won't be signing up for one of the blog interviews? Darn.

    Thanks for stopping by. You will be missed.

  9. Banned by Iran: Except Favorable News...

    Iran bans a Western news agency, but lifts the ban after receiving an apology; there-by setting its own precedent for favorable news reporting. Meanwhile: Thousands of Iranian bloggers are "removed" from the internet, while they are threatened, fined...


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