Monday, August 14, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-08-14

Today's items from my blogroll.


  1. Diabetes in the News...

    News from around the world on Diabetes.


  2. So Fidel is alive?...

    More photos from Cuba. These would seem to say Fidel is alive, unless they were taken some time ago. The pictures of Chavez at the airport match those taken at the hospital with Fidel(At least in regards to the clothes).

    TFM's skepticism of yester....

  3. A South Florida loophole...

    Don't you just love Florida bureaucracy. It takes 45 years before they wisen up to what local drivers are doing....

  4. Maximilian Kolbe...

    The two photos above were taken when Dear Wife and I visited Poland in August 2000. While there we visited Auschwitz. The first photo shows the gate to the concentration camp.
    The second photo is of a memorial to Father Maximilian Kolbe....

  5. Israel Won in Lebanon - Iran Lost...

    The blogosphere is lit up with posts that declare "Israel Lost" in Lebanon. That conclusion is reached because: 1) Israel didn't win
    2) Hezbollah didn't lose
    3) Israel accepted a ceasefire without declawing Hezbollah
    4) Our MSM and the world pre...

  6. [...] the meat…the unsolicited e-mail, commercial comments and trackbacks) when I saw this post on Basil’s Blog . While his post is not family friendly, he said things far better than I ever could have said them. [...]


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