Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Picnic 2006-08-08

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.


  1. Here we go...

    The big test now will be to see if the voters follow. The netroots group claim to represent the people, the common man, and yet no candidate they have supported has ever won an election. Til now the "common man" just hasn't been that cooky....

  2. Beruit Marathon. In Sandals...

    Consider. This is the al-Reuters photo I changed a wee bit for a lark on Monday:

    Running in sandals. But, let's see the AP version:

    Kinda funny how cameramen from both the AP and al-Reuters happened to be in the same place at the same time t...

  3. Women In Islam...

    Qur’an 4:34 - “Men are superior to women, and a man is better than a woman.”


  4. Pride: Endorsement...

    Yes, that's right, I am endorsing the NutRoots candidate.



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