Saturday, August 12, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-08-12

Today's items from my blogroll.


  1. UN ambassador Dan Gillerman Speaking To The Anti-Semitic Security Council...

    A cease-fire is not peace!!!! In a true peace a new understanding has been reached with ironclad promises for both sides not to attack the other....

  2. Florida the rules are different here Chapter XLII...

    The water is brown, smells bad, corrodes pipes but its healthy for you. Of all this the pipe part would seem to contradict official's statements about the water being safe. It's just bad plumbing, and I'm not a chemist, right?

    Right! Don't you j...

  3. Weirdo Magnet Pt. 2,The Phone Booth...

    Having established in part one that I’ve been flashed and seen more weiners than Oscar Mayer at a Fourth of July picnic, it is only fitting that I end with the Phone Booth story.
    A friend of mine worked 3rd shift at a gas station so I would occas...

  4. EXCLUSIVE: "Mastermind" of failed plane plot held...,23599,20104646-2,00.html

    It seems that this guy may have been involved in the 7/7 killings also.
    The only picture they have is pretty rough, but I think I have figured out who it is....

  5. Hassan Nasrallah Is A Douche...

    Water is wet, etc. etc.


  6. [...] UPDATE: Thanks basil. My opinion is Shepard Smith is, shall we say, not high. He seems to be trying to estabish himself as the Crown Prince of Disaster Porn. [...]

  7. Terror- Proof Airlines Opens for Business...

    WARNING! If you are easily offended - do not read this article.
    We at TPA, Terrorist-Proof Airlines, are in the flying business.
    We can absolutely guarantee NO WALK-ON GUNS, KNIVES, BOX CUTTERS, SHOE-BOMBS or other weapons will ever be carried onto.....

  8. Daily KOS - the idiot's guide to Terrorism...

    Want to see something hilarious? Want to fall on the floor busting your gut with laughter? Then look at these images of Bush as Hitler. The photos [disclaimer - yes, they are photoshopped] are not humorous; what is humorous is that leftists who trivial...

  9. Cindy Sheehan Suffers Dehydration...

    Not being a superior life form like myself, Cindy Sheehan does not know how to conduct a proper hunger strike, so she has been admitted to a hospital in Waco, Texas. The Associated Press reports that Ms. Sheehan is being......

  10. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Roman Catholic Bishop Daniel Walsh....

  11. August 22 - End of the World -12th Imam - Muhammad...

    So what's all the buzz about Muhammad al-Mahdi, August 22nd, and our favorite raving lunatic President of Iran? For those who know their Islam, the 12th Imam, al-Mahdi died 1100 years ago but is still living and in hiding and will appear before the ....


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