Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-08-22

Today's items from my blogroll.


  1. OK, I give up. What's the trackback URL?

  2. Pre-emptive global warming...

    Long before the first SUV was built, global warming began....

  3. Civil DisObedience In Mexico City, UnCivil DisObedience In Oaxaca...

    AMLO has promised "civil disobedience" for as long as it takes to get the recount, which would be undoubtedly followed by endless recounts until the "right" -- errr, rather leftist -- candidate wins.

    However, "peaceful" leftist APPO protestors...

  4. Don: Yeah, the new theme on this little blog has things looking a little different. On the front page, it's where it's always been. But on the individual pages, it's in the top right corner.

    But I see you found it.

    Still, that's telling me I should add that trackback field to the individual pages, too.

  5. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Marion Jones....

  6. The effects of the latest fighting on Israel’s Northern Front and a rundown on other anti-status quo Islamist loonies in the region...

    AP writes, twice, that there is no cease-fire and Olmert’s government seems to be in trouble for reasons of both its strategy and tactics in the Lebanese fighting. As usual in republics, troubles seem (even to Scott) to follow a weakened adminis...

  7. The Wise Man, The Fool and the Family of Nations...

    Stayed up too late last night reading Plato’s Republic and considering the difference between the just man and the unjust man. (Yeah, I know, much more of that and people will be making fun of me. Like that’s never happened before. Or to...


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