Thursday, March 3, 2005

I Can't Find My Niggerdom

No, I can't find my Niggerdom. I know I had it when I got up this morning. At least, I think I had it. Let's see. I didn't use it at work. I didn't have it at lunch, or afterwards. And I don't remember using it this morning. Let me think.

Last night? No, don't think so. I would have remembered, I'm sure. Or the wife would have. But, no, I didn't use it last night.

I wonder where I put it. I need to find it. Michael Eric Dyson wants me to embrace my Niggerdom, and I've got to find it first:
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, author of SCAM: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America, blasted liberal black leaders for their proposal to create a separate agenda for black Americans. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Michael Eric Dyson (Professor, University of Pennsylvania), and others convened Saturday at the "State of The Black Union 2005" Conference and called for a "contract with black America" as they attacked black Republicans. PBS talk show host, Tavis Smiley, hosted the day-long symposium to discuss the "health care crisis" in America and to "define the African American agenda." The event was televised live on C-SPAN.

During his closing remarks, Michael Eric Dyson, went on a unstoppable tirade about being proud of his "Niggerdom." Dyson screamed, "I'm a victim of Democracy!" and "I embrace my Niggerdom " I'm a Nigga! I'm a Nigga! And all you Niggas out there get down with me." Dyson received a standing ovation from Jesse Jackson and the audience.

So, you see, I need to embrace my Niggerdom.


He wasn't talking to me?

What do you mean? Who was he talking to? Michael Jackson?

What's that?


Well, then.


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  1. I have to say, that was one of the funniest things I read today. I have two new favorite words: Niggerdom and heteronormative. :/

  2. But is niggerdom actually heteronormative? I'm not sure.

  3. maybe you left it in your pants, and it's now in the laundry hamper....


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