Monday, November 7, 2005

Breakfast: 11/7/2005

Try one of these specials with your breakfast:


  1. Islamofascism: The Real Global Virus

    Victor Davis Hanson's latest article at NRO is one of the most articulate pieces to date regarding the international plague of Radical Islam. Rather than attempt to distill his prose or paste the full article here, I share with you his worrysome conc...

  2. Islamofascism: The Real Global Virus

    Victor Davis Hanson's latest article at NRO is one of the most articulate pieces to date regarding the international plague of Radical Islam. Rather than attempt to distill his prose or paste the full article here, I share with you his worrysome conc...

  3. Islamofascism: The Real Global Virus

    Victor Davis Hanson's latest article at NRO is one of the most articulate pieces to date regarding the international plague of Radical Islam. Rather than attempt to distill his prose or paste the full article here, I share with you his worrysome conc...

  4. But I'm a Cheerleader

    That 1999 movie was the first thing to pop into my head on reading this news. I could care less about these two women's sexuality. The point is, its tasteless to be doing it in a public place.(That goes for heterosexual sex too in a public place) Tak...

  5. Paris Burning

    The riots in the suburbs of Paris and other parts of France have now continued for eleven straight days, and are spreading to other cities. In the midst of all this, President Chirac has spoken out about the riots for the first time.

  6. Euro-sion

    L'Intifada may not be getting much play among liberals -- who hate to see their multicultural diversity come to roost -- but it is affecting the financial markets.


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