Friday, November 4, 2005

Covered Dish Supper: 11/4/2005

If you have an interesting post that you’'d like to share, please leave a TrackBack to that post, and please link to this post so that others can enjoy the fun. If you need help with TrackBacks, Harvey of Bad Example has an excellent primer here, or check out my post about TrackBacks here. If your blog can’'t generate TrackBacks, use either the form here or here.


  1. Half a Lifetime Ago

    In three weeks I will turn 50. As I was listening to Rush and Sean Hannity callers reminded me that it was twenty five years ago today that Ronald Reagan was first elected president. Within the month that followed, Steve McQueen, Mae West, and John Le...

  2. Ch'arakar! The Muslim Festival of Lights!

    Join Jean-Claude, a little French boy, as he learns about the Muslim Festival of Lights, Ch'arakar!

  3. Jimmy Carter's Prescription for a Better Christianity

    On today's Laura Ingraham show, she had excerpts of Larry King's recent interview of former President Jimmy Carter, who is promoting his new book. The primary sound bite (which actually won the Sound Bite of the Week contest), was a...

  4. Andy Rooney: Negro ‘perfectly good word’

    Don Imus talks with Andy Rooney.
    NEW YORK (WorldNet Daily) - Veteran CBS commentator Andy Rooney says he has a problem with the frequent use of the term “African-American” and suggests people use the word “Negro” instead to re...

  5. The Art Of America-Hating

    This time showcased in Argentina:

  6. McDiva

    Ashlee Simpson may lack her sister's good looking "husband" and her sister's ability to lip-synch. But she can match her as a diva. Except, she divas at dives, too. Wizbang! has the video. It is a riot.

  7. Must-Have WordPress Plugins

    First, I’ve got WP-Cache 2.0, my favorite of the bunch. I’ll just let the developer describe what WP-Cache does:
    WP-Cache is an extremely efficient WordPress page caching system to make your site much faster and responsive. It works by c...


    Sites with Open Trackbacks for this weekend (it will update often, so keep checking back)

  9. TGIF-Weekend Open Trackbacks

    Well, the past few days have been rough on me as I've been adjusting to a new job so my blogging hasn't been up to speed and I apologize to the three people that may check this blog everyday. Just...

  10. Irregularly Scheduled Open Trackbacks

    Time for the Weekend Link Whorage Open Trackback Post Covered Fest Carnival Dish! Send your links!

    [This WLWOTPCFCD post will be updated with other open trackback post links as they become available.]

    If you have something you’d like others t...

  11. Molly Ivins Bust & Open Post

    Read my Saturday column for more.
    But enough about me. This is a Saturday Open Post!

  12. Michael Moore Owns 2,000 Shares of Halliburton

    Peter Schweizer’s new book, Do As I Say, Not As I Do, Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy, has the scoop.
    [Michael Moore] owns tens of thousands of shares – including nearly 2,000 shares of Boeing, nearly 1,000 of Sonoco, more than 4,000 of Best Fo...

  13. Another Project Valour-IT Cartoon

    Another Project Valour-IT Cartoon

  14. French Riots Continue, But Anti-Bush Riots Take To

    The riots in France continue for yet another night (that's nine if you're keeping track). The French government can't quite figure out what to do to stop the riots from spreading. They're still too worried about offending the sensibilities of the r...

  15. Je Vous Ai Compris

    The man who spoke those words to the Algerians is the man who began France's dance of demise with the Arab world. Merci, Charles DeGaulle.

  16. Weekend Round-Up

    Ann Coulter, on RealClear Politics (via Nickie Goomba), explains why last week cooled off, again, the hopes of the anti-Bush front. ►Michael Moore, enemy of the big corporations, is not shy to hold thousands of shares by Wall Street's sharks. N...


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