Friday, November 25, 2005

How To Be A Dumbass, Part II

Have you ever felt like an ass? I have. Recently. Very recently.

While looking for spelling errors in some recent posts, I noticed a content error in one. An error of omission.

Over a week ago, I began preparing a "Thanks" post regarding the move of this little blog from TypePad to a WordPress platform. But one thing or another happened and I never did finish it. I had it saved as a "draft" for days. Then, at Thanksgiving, it occurred to me that I should go ahead and post it. So, I scheduled it for today (the day after Thanksgiving).

But I didn't finish the post.

So, when it showed up this morning at a minute after midnight, it was an unfinished post.

And I failed to mention a thanks to someone who helped me through the move: Don Suber, who blogged a lot ... a lot ... here.

I've gone and corrected that post. I probably should write more, because others helped me through the move and were also left out. But, if it were not for Don, this little blog would have withered away.

Thanks, Don!

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