Monday, November 7, 2005

I Nominate Jo

Aaron is accepting nominations for the Deck O' Bloggers 2005. And I wish to nominate Jo from Jo's Cafe in the suit of Hearts.

Although she and I live in the same area, Jo and I have never met. That's probably a good thing, because she is still saying nice things about me. That would stop shortly after she met me, I am sure.

However, I have only met a few bloggers, some by accident, some by design. And the one's I have met are wonderful people. But not having met Jo personally doesn't detract from what I can tell about her: she's a wonderful person.

Jo is a caring, interesting, thoughtful person and I look forward to reading her blog every day.

Other bloggers — other female bloggers — have won my heart. But none more so than Jo.

For that reason, if for no other, I wish to nominate her as a Heart, with hopes she will be the Queen of Hearts.


  1. Basil Made Me Blush

    So Aaron ? listen up! I hereby nominate Basil for his own male face card in Deck O? Blogs. Basil is not only helpful to the younger bloggers out there, he shares his knowledge with everyone by posting tips on his blog and at Alliance HQs. He has inspir...

  2. Basil Made Me Blush

    So Aaron ? listen up! I hereby nominate Basil for his own male face card in Deck O? Blogs. Basil is not only helpful to the younger bloggers out there, he shares his knowledge with everyone by posting tips on his blog and at Alliance HQs. He has inspir...

  3. Basil Made Me Blush

    So Aaron ? listen up! I hereby nominate Basil for his own male face card in Deck O? Blogs. Basil is not only helpful to the younger bloggers out there, he shares his knowledge with everyone by posting tips on his blog and at Alliance HQs. He has inspir...

  4. I didn't win your heart, basil?

    I wonder what SADIE LOU!!!! will have to say about that one.


  5. Oh, of course you did!

    But I thought that fellow over at Apothegm Designs would be nominating you.

    That thought made my decision to choose one wonderful lady over another wonderful lady much easier.

  6. ... and I still want to be the Joker! /TJ

  7. I third ;) I've known Jo for over 10 years, although I too have never met her in person. I don't need to meet her, though, to agree with you that she is a wonderful person and a great friend.


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