Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Picnic Lunch: 11/2/2005

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  1. Fools

    Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools...

  2. CIA Run Amok!

    The headline of today’s Washington Post screams: CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons
    Question. How can the terrorist prisons be secret if the WaPo, and now the rest of the world, know about them? How can anything the Clintons’ CI...

  3. Dems Force Close Senate Session

    The Democrats are upset that the best prosecutor in the world (Patrick Fitzgerald) was unable to indict Rove and Vice President Cheney last week, was the straw that broke this camels back.

  4. Democrats Losing Their Grip on the Judiciary

    The War between Democrats and Republicans over the Federal Judiciary is all but set to bust out into an ideological Armageddon. Having lost the last two presidential elections and dominance in congress over the past 10+ years, the minority Democrat Pa...

  5. Democrats Losing Their Grip on the Judiciary

    The War between Democrats and Republicans over the Federal Judiciary is all but set to bust out into an ideological Armageddon. Having lost the last two presidential elections and dominance in congress over the past 10+ years, the minority Democrat Pa...

  6. Democrats Losing Their Grip on the Judiciary

    The War between Democrats and Republicans over the Federal Judiciary is all but set to bust out into an ideological Armageddon. Having lost the last two presidential elections and dominance in congress over the past 10+ years, the minority Democrat Pa...

  7. Phony Republicans

    In today's Washington Post, Robert J. Samuelson points out that the GOP is pretending if it thinks that its recent efforts in Congress will have any sizeable impact on out-of-control spending.

  8. Hillary Denounces Children's Book

    Weren't liberals supposed to be the free-speech crew?

  9. Traitors in the midst of our troops

    This was certainly offending news. A staff sergeant serving in Iraq committed what's described as "fragging"

  10. Racist Attacks Against Blacks OK

    So say Democrats.

    From yesterday's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

    In losing a woman, the court with Alito would feature seven white men, one white woman and a black man, who deserves an asterisk because he arguably does not represent the views...


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