Thursday, March 10, 2005

No Breakfast: 3/10/2005 appears to be down, so no breakfast. Here's another pop tart. [NOISE ALERT]

Help out a hungry reader. How about offering up a breakfast selection yourself?

If you have a post that you'd like to share, leave a trackback (or a comment if you don't have trackback capabilites). You can alway use Adam Kalsey's Simpletracks form, or the Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger if you don't have the capabilities on your blog.


  1. I skipped breakfast this morning and thought I'd catch up here, boo, I don't like strawberry poptarts . . .

  2. I compile the entries from my BlogRoll. And when is down or otherwise doesn't load the BlogRoll, I'm screwed. Yes, I could do some work and find sites, but to be honest, I'm lazy. Besides, I was hoping others would offer their own entries. I've modified the code so TrackBacks show on the front page, sort of like Outside The Beltway and others. But, no one had anything to offer.

    BlogRoll is back up and I'll have Lunch ready soon.

  3. Sorry, I had to skip breakfast today, but thanks for that 'Rather' Good lunch.

  4. While I don't usually give a crud about celeb gossip, I was listening to Mark & Brian on the radio today and they said Lindsay was macking with Bruce Willis at his movie premiere party last night. That's nasty. He's fifty and she's barely legal. Supposedly he had her pants down far enough for people to see the tatt on her butt. I wouldn't be able to touch her. My kids are that young for chrissake! I'd have to give her a firm scolding and a timeout instead!

  5. Maybe he was just trying to say "Right back at ya" to Demi.


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