Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Breakfast: 11/1/2005

Try one of these specials with your breakfast:
  • Riehl World View discovers what CBS's John Roberts' was thinking
  • NIF has News, Interesting and Funny stuff.
  • Pirate's Cove talks responsibility
  • Sadie (Fistful of Fortnights) says sometimes you get less than you pay for
  • Confederate Yankee says the Old Gray Lady just refuses to learn
  • Beth (MY VRWC) promises something for her birthday
  • aTypicalJoe finds people more accepting to restrictions
  • The Therapist finds some continue to ride that horse, despite the odds
  • Jack Grant (Random Fate) won't get fooled again
  • The American Princess had fun celebrating "Blog Like A Liberal Day"
  • The Blog Interviews continue, now taking questions for Jack Grant from Random Fate and E. M. Zanotti AKA The American Princess.


  1. Bush To Unveil Super-Flu Strategy

    President George W. Bush announced a strategy to battle a Super Flu. (photo by Jimmy Olson)
    WASHINGTON (Daily Planet) - The Bush administration, battered by criticism over its hurricane response, is getting the nation prepared for a possible travel b...

  2. O’Connor Swings Left - oops! - Center of Alito

    Bill Garner/The Washington Times
    I've got to hand it to The Washington Post: They've got some integrity. When Democrats and their subsidiary mainstream news organizations are holding up Sandra Day O'Connor as a centrist voice on the Supreme Cour...

  3. Seeking a Decision by Al-Qaeda in Wilson v. Alito

    One of the hidden assumptions that separates liberals and conservatives is the belief in unintended consequences. It is skepticism about unintended consequences that leads people to believe Bush deliberately wanted Katrina victims to suffer. It is a fi...

  4. O’Connor Swings Left - oops! - Center of Alito

    Bill Garner/The Washington Times
    I've got to hand it to The Washington Post: They've got some integrity. When Democrats and their subsidiary mainstream news organizations are holding up Sandra Day O'Connor as a centrist voice on the Supreme Cour...

  5. O’Connor Swings Left - oops! - Center of Alito

    Bill Garner/The Washington Times
    I've got to hand it to The Washington Post: They've got some integrity. When Democrats and their subsidiary mainstream news organizations are holding up Sandra Day O'Connor as a centrist voice on the Supreme Cour...

  6. Thanks for the Riehl link. Priceless. Stop by my blog for some Scalito graphics fun.

  7. Rise from the Ashes

    "This Phoenix ?rise from the ashes? story, sincerely demonstrates that Freedom and Democracy prevail, and its sacrifice can be restored, with hope."

  8. Haven't stoped by over here in a while and I see this new lay out. I like it. Very classy. :)

  9. DNC and Come to Jesus

    The Democrats are just waking up this morning after their three day binge with the indictment of Lewis "Scooter" Libby , to the pounding hangover news of Samuel Alito's nomination to the Supreme Court.

  10. Kiddie Limb Crushing

    This is quite disturbing. An 8 year old Iranian boy was caught stealing some bread. What’s the best way to punish a young boy who must resort to theft to keep food in his belly? Run his arm over with a truck of course.
    These pictures may dis...

  11. Oooh. Connections is a great layout indeed! And you spiced it up quite nicely with a bit of basil.

    Okay, bad pun. My apologies, and thanks for the linky!

    Buh bye, Typepad.

  12. Nickie Goomba:
    Thanks. Hey, you know that any post labeled "Articles of Interest" and "Open TrackBacks" show the TrackBack links on the front page. If you have trouble leaving TrackBacks to the blog since the move from TypePad, do let me know.

    Thanks for stopping by. And for the nice thoughts. Much appreciated.

    Don Surber:
    Now maybe we know why, after resigning months ago, they're not letting her leave yet?

    Thank you!

  13. The Italian Battalion

    Hate to disappoint everyone, but while wonks were gearing up for battle, Michael Barone was checking out the turf. (Hat tip: Instapundit.)
    The battlefield would be in Little Italy. No one makes trouble in Little Italy. Not even Democrats.

  14. More Reactions

    More attacks against Alito.

    Which, given their source, is probably a good thing.


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