Monday, May 1, 2006

Picnic 2006-05-01

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.


  1. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Monica Pippin....

  2. Linkfests for May 1, 2006...

    We've been promoting pretty much any linkfest we find. However, a few Bloggers have been consistently helping Linkfest Haven become the Source for Linkfests as well as freeing up time for your host blogger and I'd like to say Thank You in announcing ...

  3. My Contribution...

    Ah, it’s Monday. Today our “immigrant” friends are taking the day off to prove how invaluable they are to American society. I want to make sure I’m doing my part so here is my plan for today:


  4. It Doesn't Take Sherlock Holmes to Solve This One...

    May 1st is slated as a day when illegal aliens will walk off their jobs and take to the streets to illustrate how much our cities depend on cheap illegal labor. If the federal government is serious about enforcing the law, May 2nd should set a record.....

  5. Capitalist Gringo Get To Work Day...

    Well, today's communist holiday for illegal immigrants is appearently in full swing. In view of that, I propose taking over this day and calling it the Capitalist Gringo Get To Work Day....

  6. Military Working Dogs...

    They are our companions. They are our partners. They are our best friends. They are there when we need them. They are our protectors and will put their lives on the line for us. They only want for a little recognition, a scratch behing the ear or a pa...

  7. [...] == Basil’s blog has an open trackback “picnic” day, so I’m linking to his article and in turn that blog will link here. [...]

  8. Walking The Red Carpet; In 7 Easy Steps....

    L to R: Elaine Donnelly, President, Center for Military Readiness; Charmaine; Chris Buckley; Your Business Blogger "Isn't that Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame up ahead?" Asks Charmaine. "I think so," I said. "Quick, let's get in their frame." Cha...

  9. Live Blogging The Illegal Alien’s Boycott...

    I want to live blog this earthshaking boycott.


  10. [...] at Basil’s Blog [] [Print This Post] [Permalink] [Trackback URI] No Comments� [...]

  11. Mending Walls...keeping their word...

    Although the very idea of keeping one's word is a "wall" our entire society needs to mend, what of our leaders? Isn't their responsibility as examples, as leaders important? What of the oath of office President Bush (and before him, Clinton, Bu...

  12. Darfur as domestic politics....

    I’d believe these folks more if they didn’t reflexively oppose any military intervention anywhere (except Serbia) and if Sudan’s biggest supporters did not include the Nation of Islam and so much of the Congressional Black Caucus. We...

  13. How Do You Make a Baby?...

    I always knew that at some point in time the question about how to make a baby would arise, just not when. When my son asked I took a deep breath and considered how to answer it....

  14. Peanut shells field...

    God bless Dakoda and Kelly Dowd. All of you and Peanut too are winners....

  15. The Milblogging Conference in Pictures for those o...

    Here's a run down on the conference if you didn't get to go....

  16. Your guess is as good as mine...

    That's all I would be doing. Then isn't alot of blogging guesswork?...

  17. Why I Didn't Boycott...

    My GrandMother and GrandFather on my Mother's side were born in Mexico and Italy, respectively. As such, I am 25% Mexican and 25% Italian -- the other 50% is white Euro blood courtesy of my Father (not that there is anything wrong with that)....

  18. Boycott Shows the Power of Fuzzy Thinking...

    By Saturday afternoon, with the governor of California and various food-distribution companies supporting the Mayday Boycott, the actual events of the day ceased to be relevant to whether or not the Boycott was a success. Obviously, there are a lot......


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