Friday, August 4, 2006

Adam's Blog

Today's interview is with a favorite whose faith shows in his blogging. It's Adam of Adam's Blog...

The panel is ready with their questions...

Here we go...

How many cups of coffee do you consume in an average day?

I actually don't drink coffee, but I do have 3-4 generic caffeine laced colas per day unlock with three cups of Green Tea.

Have you ever been to the Yaak Valley?

Yes, lived there until I was 5.

What goes on a cheeseburger?

Cheese, Burger, Tomato, Lettuce.

What's your favorite passage from the Bible?

Micah 6:8 (KJV): He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

How many moonbats does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

100 million. None of them actually screw in the light bulb, but they criticize the person who does and say they could do better.

Why do you blog?

Because I've got a lot to say and I want to be heard. That and someone must bring balance to the Idaho blogosphere (which is full to the gills with moonbat malcontents.)

OK, I'll ask the obvious, is your favorite group "Boise to Men"?

No, actually favorite local group is the Liberty Quartet. Very good guys, sing some great songs. My wife likes them and she's not huge on Southern Gospel. Also, Faithful Men are another good Boise-area Music group.

Is Christianity on the rise (which I guess is the whole point of Christianity)?

Er, well it's not the whole point of Christianity. The point of Christianity is coming into relationship with God through his Son Jesus. :)

The church waxes and wanes at different times.

The answer to your question though is it all depends on who you ask and where. Ask a Church of Scotland pastor or a Catholic Priest in France and you'll get a lament. Ask an Evangelical in France and they'll tell you that they're exploding. So, you have to have a global answer.

Here's my view numberswise. Christianity is exploding in Africa and so many parts of the World including China. Evangelicals are growing like wildfire in Central America, which comes at some costs to the Catholics. In Europe, the old churches are in decline and I think that will continue, but the decline of the Christian faith may be stopped by the growth of Evangelicalism, I was just reading an article on the expansion of the Evangelical Faith in France. Whether this is going to have an impact on society, who knows? One of the great weaknesses of Evangelicals is inability to disciple people, so you end up with spiritually immature people who never grow up.

So, the question is whether people are finding God so that they're lives and their nation is never the same or are they merely having a religious experience. That's a question where only God knows and time will tell.

What's the most Redneck / White Trash thing you've ever done?

Well, it was a hot summer August day in 2001. I'd flown out to Ohio to meet my "friend" Andrea and we took what amounted to our first date. It got off to a bumpy start. We took the bus to the Capitol and were supposed to catch one that connected to the zoo.

In front of the Capitol was a statue of President McKinley, I stood beside it and asked Andrea to take pictures. I made bunny ears by McKinley just as I noticed our bus driving away. The good news is that we could catch a bus in 2 hours, so we toured the State Capitol.

The State House was in recess at that time, so Andrea and I snuck into the House Chambers. I stood behind the Speaker's lectern, and Andrea sat in his chair. Security asked us to leave shortly thereafter.

How would you characterize your blog? Christian, political, social commentary?

I would categorize it as eclectic. It's about what interest me. Some days it's politics, some it's baseball, some it's the scripture, there's even been articles written on saving money, and of course the personal stuff. As Forest Gump said (or would have said had I the money to purchase an endorsement contract), "Life is like Adam's Blog, you never know what you're gonna get."

Who's your favorite theologian?

I have yet to find one. I know there are certain bloggers out there who with great regularity quote Chesterton or John Calvin. No luck here. I read a variety of different authors. I find somehow no matter what the background, the major Christian theologians agree on the main point. I do enjoy C.S. Lewis for his pure creativity. Human beings learn best through stories and the way he tells a story, be it in the Screwtape Letters, or his Sci-Fi trilogy is something to behold. He grasps an idea that many miss, that humans learn through stories and illustrations. Many others are far too dry to drive home their points.

What question would you ask this person?

C.S. Lewis, I'd ask what he thought of the Screwtape Reports, where I take the style of diabolical ventroliquism and apply it to politics. One liberal told me that using C.S. Lewis' method for political purposes was blasphemy. (Of course, I was not aware that Mr. Lewis had reached the level where he could be "blasphemed") Somehow, I think he'd be good natured about it.

On a lighter note, what book of the Bible best describes you?

It depends on the day. It used to be that Leviticus would fit. (Dull and full of rules.) Somedays, I feel like 1 Chronicles (large and unwieldly.) Some days I feel like a character in the book of Ezra (you know one of those anonymous guys who was mentioned as being begotten by someone else.) Probably on most days Malachai or Haggai work. Both were old testament prophets who brought a mix of rebukes and blessings.

What was your worst day blogging?

Tied between two days where my old host decided to suspend my MySQL database (which holds my blog) without notice because it was too big of a burden on THEIR server. Their gone and the blogging life is much better. I no longer have weekly MySQL failures.

What is your favourite book?

The Bible, though that was to be expected. Outside the Bible, my favorite would be, "Our Sacred Honor" by Bill Bennett. He's done some fine research to come up with a series of quite reputable quotes from the founders on issues including friendship, education, work, and religion. They were wise and brave men and are well-represented by Bennett's collection.

If you had a time machine, and could travel to any place or period for 24 hours, what kind of sandwich would you pack for the trip?

I would actually take fruitcake. I'd be nervous what would happen to the food. If I packed a cheese sandwich and went forward in time, would I still have a cheese sandwich or would the cheese have gone bad as it was 100 years old as the bread turned to pure mold. If I went back in time, would the cheese disappear and the sandwich turn back to grain. Thus, I'd take the fruitcake because that never goes bad. :)

Are you making a difference?

Some days it doesn't feel like it, but yes I am. For one, I've changed the face of the Idaho Blogosphere, that was totally dominated by liberal (in terms of state and local discussion) who would say anything crazy thing they liked without being held accountable. I started to watch them and spotted all types of crazy things including a blogger beginning a joke with the President being shot. After my criticism, the joke was subsequently changed. So, I'm making the Idaho blogosphere more balanced and keeping liberals on their tows.

I'm also able to defend people against unfair attacks in local politics. I did it last year with Brandi Swindell in her run for City Council.

Blog posts are funny. Somedays you spend a lot of research and time and you get no hits. Other times, you write off a post in 10 minutes and get 4000 hits. You just never know.

In my pre-blog days, I wrote a column on the Passion of the Christ which received 100 e-mails on it, including a couple of people whose lives were changed because they followed the advice in my article and went to see the movie. You never know when you'll write something important, so you have to keep plugging.

What's your favorite joke?

. . .

Okay, then. What was it like the first time another blogger negatively blogged about you?

Simultaneously encouraging and discouraging. It was discouraging because I was just minding my business and got totally slammed by this blogger from Oregon. It was encouraging that somehow, someone was reading my stuff. We actually became friends, though we'll never be political allies.

Which is your life more like: Green Acres, Fantasy Island, or the CBS Evening News?

Neither are applicable. My life is like Baywatch except that I can't swim, don't live near a beach, and don't run around with scantily clad women, and never have actually watched Baywatch. But its like that minus the elements I subtracted. Probably.

Anything you'd like to add?

In conclusion, buy my book. : Or is that a tad too direct. ;) Seriously, I'll catch you at my main blog as well as on WhereIStand

Thank, Adam, for taking the time for the interview. We certainly appreciate it.

Tomorrow, it's a blogger that Adam knows ... and that knows Adam all too well. It's Andrea, from Adam's Blog and from Ask Andrea. Should be fun.

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