Saturday, August 5, 2006

Andrea (Ask Andrea, Adam's Blog)

Today, it's another blogger whose faith shows in her work. Andrea blogs at both Adam's Blog and at Ask Andrea...

The interview panel is ready with their questions...

First question...

What was your best day blogging?

Any day a reader writes to say I encouraged them in some way or helped them to find God's will for their situation.

What's the hardest question you've ever had to answer on your blog?

The hardest questions aren't really with the question itself -- most have a clear biblical answer despite all the nasty stuff the author can dredge up -- but with the author.

Sometimes, though I always hope I'm wrong, I get the impression the author has already made their mind up, usually to divorce, and is just writing me hoping I will assuage their conscience. I can take a pretty tough line when I discern that sort of thing. Not that I ever pull my punches ;)

The hope in those cases is even if I'm right, someone else might read it and repent.

What's the hardest question you've ever had to answer away from your blog?

The same sort of questions I answer on the blog, only from a family member or friend. It's one thing to speak the truth to a stranger, it's another to speak the truth to a family member. More to lose. Like the relationship. I'd like to say that I wish I could give a "better" answer, but I love my Lord too much. I'd stand with His judgment, as recorded in His Word, regardless of the consequences. The thought of people trying to take advantage of Him makes me as mad as the thought of my family burning makes me weep.

What qualifies you to answer the questions you do?

Sorry, no resume to list, other than 3/4 of a BA in Religion, and only one reference: Jesus Christ. He's the power behind everything I do.

What is the greatest mystery?

The Trinity. It's more a question than an answer. Too often, it's a stumbling block for unbelievers, but we relate to God much as a newborn relates to his parents. If we fully understood God, I don't think He'd be God. A God we understand would be finite, like us, and also unable to save us.

What is your second-favourite book?

LOL. I guess my favorite is obvious?

I'm a bookworm, before I had a life, I could go through seven books in as many days. So I don't really have a second favorite, too many to pick from. My tastes in literature vary from Beverly Lewis to Janet Oke to Frank Perretti to CS Lewis. As an author, most of my own fiction has a speculative edge, though I don't have any particular sci-fi authors that I could name for you. I avoid secular novels and traditional Christian publishers are gun-shy about my favorite genre. In my writer's group, about fifteen of us are putting together a speculative-fic anthology and that's part of why. By and large, there's not much Christian about the way the Christian Publishing Industry operates. In my view, Michael Card lets his music be his protest of the CMI, and ours is choosing to opperate as the Body of Christ.

Does the Bible have the answer to every question?

Trick question. Every question concerning morality, daily living, and spiritual things, yes. Math, no. Believe it or not, though, some science, History, archeology, etc. questions can be collaborated from the bible, but that is not the book's primary purpose or focus.

What's the most Redneck / White Trash thing you've ever done?

Be born a Hatfield. Interestingly enough, on my father's side of the family, A McCoy married a McFarland, and their daughter married a Hatfield. No offense to my folks, but I was relieved to ditch my maiden name. That wasn't going on a book cover. My married name was a different story, though :)

Tell the truth: It's really Andrea's Blog and you just let Adam post there, right?

LOL. Sorry. It's definitely Adam's Blog. He makes the rules in terms of what goes on the blog and will delete any post that doesn't fall within his parameters. I do help with a lot of behind the scenes stuff, though, even when I don't get around to putting up an original post. Copy editing, updating trackback parties, that sort of thing. Most of the time, he writes, and I double check to make sure he said it well and remembered to dot his ts... er, cross his ts... and all that ;) So if you find a grammatical mistake, I'll take all the blame.

What's the worst question you ever got?

Okay, I'll play along. This one :)

(if "this one", otherwise, skip)
I mean other than that one?

See answer in regards to tough questions. I'd never single out one question; it might hurt the author's feelings.

Were you happy with the answer you gave?

In general. Sometimes I think of things I'd like to add after I've already hit *send* on my email. I just edit it into the blog version. Guess that means it's always a good idea to check my blog even though I email the author my response.

How have you handled attacks from other bloggers?

They usually go after Adam, but in my mind an attack on him is the same as an attack on me. I got the lion feed people to down grade us to a kitten feed by quoting scripture. The general gist of my response is usually, "Jesus loves you." I also really like the passage that begins with "If I'm out of my mind, it is for Christ" and ends with imploring as ambassadors of Christ to be reconciled to God. So I handle it like I handle all problems: I run to Jesus. He's never failed me yet.

When did you know Adam was "the one"?

Our story's actually posted online.

The link to my version is broken on his server, but still available on the old.

If you could have one superhero's powers, what would it be?

Jesus Christ is my Superhero and He really does often release His power through His body (the Church) The problem today is so many hide their gifts, fail to recognize them, lack faith, or use their gifts for selfish ends. Or even for profit and to glorify themselves. Often such greed results in them losing it...sometimes their relationship with Christ, too, which is always the most grievous loss. Nothing is more pathetic, more disastrous, than a fallen minister who's lost it, but, like King Saul, tries to pretend they've still got it and carries on in Christ's name without His blessing or anointing.

It was a pleasure, Andrea, having you here answering questions of a different type. We enjoyed it.

Next week, we'll have interviews with Bob Potfry (Potfry) and with Pet Campbell (Pet's Garden).

1 comment:

  1. [...] I’m helping my mother recover from surgery, so please forgive my tardiness. Basil interviewed me last weekend. Check it out if you’d like to get know me a little better. Also, I have an article up at Adam’s Blog that you may find of interest, The Whipping Boy, which discusses how we relate to Christ. I pray it may encourage the brethren. [...]


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