Saturday, March 5, 2005

Danny Schechter Writes Back?

First, check out the original post here.

You back? Good. Did you read Danny Schechter's post? If not, do so now.

Okay, in case you didn't notice, someone left a comment and signed it Danny Schechter. Was it him? I don't know. Probably not. But, let's pretend it was. Here's the comment:

Basil may long for the days when states were blue and gray, not red and blue, and men were men and not mice, but after all these decades after the night they drove old Dixie down, why the regional rage, and why your reader's "weenie" reference because someone who writes to me--a former military officer by the by--signs his name with his degree.

I use ND (News Dissector) after mine and look  more like a Bratwurst than a wiener.

Give it up Basil. Cute but no cigar. I was also part of those "illegal protests" that helped transform the South and supported the protests in Beirut that the government there, not me, called "illegal." That government is gone.

In the unlikely event your readers want to know what I care and write about visit:

Danny Schechter

Check out an old TV show called "You Are There"

First, why would anyone think I long for 1860? Because I'm from the south? What, do you think I'm from a slave-holding family? Got news for you, bubby. My family was share-croppers. They worked for the big plantations, too. Not the same as slaves, and I'm not saying or even implying they were. But, in the 1860s, my family had it as rough as any white family had it. So, no: No 1860 for me. You wouldn't be talking about something without all the facts, would you?

Second, "regional rage"?? What regional rage? My references to Boston, Birmingham, Atlanta, and Gdansk ... pretty big region, don't you think? Perhaps someone can tell me what I'm missing.

Third, phin's comments are just that: phin's comments. He has his own blog and can explain himself if he wishes. He can comment here, or request a post here. I may not agree, but I see his point. And he's entitled to his opinion. Oh, and I saw a chance for a joke, so I went with the My Brain Atrophied line. An MBA is impressive. After all, doesn't President George W. Bush have one? From Harvard? Oh, and I was just an enlisted soldier, not an officer, as long as we're thowing around military backgrounds.

Fourth, I read your piece again. It sure looks to me like you're calling the protests "illegal." Here's the excerpt:

There are continuing illegal demonstrations underway in Beirut demanding that Syria leave Lebanon, a response to the recent assassination by downtown car bomb of a popular leader...

Your comment:

the government there, not me, called "illegal."

If so, here's how I would have written it:

Continuing what the government there calls "illegal demonstrations," protesters in Beirut are demanding that Syria leave Lebanon, a response to the recent assassination by downtown car bomb of a popular leader...

I don't have it with me, and I'm paraphrasing, but the old AP style book I used as guidance said that if someone says something, say someone says something. Don't say "Joe A. robbed the First National Bank," say "Police say Joe A. robbed the First National Bank."

If there are demonstrations, say there are demonstrations. If the government calls them illegal, say the government calls them illegal.

As you wrote the article, YOU called them illegal. Perhaps it was an oversight. Perhaps you disagree with my assessment. But, if your post was news, then you reported the demonstrations as illegal. If it was opinion, then you presented as your opinion that the demonstrations were illegal.

Again, if I read it wrong, correct me. I'm not above being corrected.

And, I rember the show "You Are There." But I'm missing your point. You can't be saying I'm not aware of those four items I wrote about in my little satire, are you? I may not yet be 50, but I'm close enough that I remember Martin Luther King, Lester Maddox, and Lech Walesa. Again, I'm not catching your point.

Are you thinking that *I* am opposed to those protests? Surely you didn't come away with that impression, did you?

Finally, I'm also suffering from looking too more like a bratwurst than a wiener. Too many bratwursts and other fine edibles have been run past my palate. Hmmm. Wonder what's for lunch?

Listed in Carnival of the TrackBacks


  1. I think the Lebanese protests were, in fact, illegal. The Lebanese government (even if staffed by Syrian lap-dog scheisters) outlawed the protests, and the protestors did it anyway. That makes it illegal.

    That's not to say it's immoral - for I believe, as you suggested with your references to Boston, Birmingham, Alabama and Gdansk, that sometimes the only moral cause of action is to violate an unjust law. But while morality might vindicate you in the history books, it certainly doesn't transform illegal into legal.

  2. I guess I'm not making my point very well. The original post was making fun of Schechter's calling them "illegal" and the question of whether Schechter would have called the mentioned Boston, Birmingham, Atlanta, or Gdansk protests "illegal."

    My opinion is that he would not. But, I could be wrong.

  3. You really think this was Carnival-worthy?

  4. You're smart. What post would you have picked?

  5. Since he didn't post a comment on my blog I'll reply here about calling the guy a weenie I'll post here. I started out with much worse, but edited it down to PG. Anybody who signs their name and puts MBA behind it is a weenie. I spent the 2 & ½ extra years in college to get and MBA from a top twenty five ranked business school, so if nothing else I get to make snide comments about stupid things people do to flaunt their MBA's.
    It is a scientifically proven fact that those who sign their name with MBA behind it are either Short Height wise (Napoleonic Complex) or short elsewhere (P**** Envy).
    Oh and having an MBA doesn't make anyone any smarter than staying at a holiday inn express.

  6. Screw the "illegal" comment. This is what has me (still) howling with laughter on the floor:

    "Meanwhile another story about Syria in Iraq has been debunked by Professor Juan Cole's always informed blog on Iraq:"

    Later, I gotta wipe my eyes and blow my nose from laughing so hard.


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