Saturday, March 5, 2005

Search Engine Silliness I

Although I'm a new blogger (first post was December 8, 2004), I've been using computers a lot longer. For over a quarter of a century, in fact. It wasn't the same back then. Things have really changed. One thing that has been of particular fascination to me has been search capabilities.

Currently, the big boy in the search world is Google. Before that was Yahoo! And, at other times, others have been "the one to use." The latest to join the fray is Microsoft's MSN Search.

None of them work exactly like the casual user would expect. There are some that say "You gotta know how to use them," and that makes sense. But, a really good search interface would be easier for the casual user. And that's hard to do do. And, if anyone ever accomplishes that, they'll get rich.

Anyway, all this is leading up to the fact that search engines return some stuff that you really aren't looking for. Of course, some people really search for some strange stuff.

I'm not the only one that's been either the victim or the beneficiary of odd searches or odd search results.

These are just some of the one I found. I found more by some of the same folks.

If you want to play along, leave a link to one of your posts related to search engines in the comments or trackback, or e-mail me here. I plan to have another roundup next weekend.


  1. i just clicked on the link from IMAO way back when he tried to do headline funny, and you swamped the comments with funnier headlines than his, and he posted a link (probably cursing you for your superior headline funniness) to your blog, and now i read your blog last. got to save the best for the last!
    glad that i didn't find you because i was looking for Moehawk squirrels.....

  2. Using Google to find personal information

    Have you ever tried searching for information on yourself? Try it sometime, the results may scare you.

  3. Yes, a couple of ways, actually. Notice in the column on the right (might have to scroll WAY down) there is a Technorati search box. If you register your blog with them (it's free and, as far as I can tell, perfectly safe) and then go to this page.

    It gives instructions on adding a search to your site.

    It's also possible to put Google site search on your site, but I'm mad at Google right now and haven't done it. I'll spite my face no matter how many noses I have to cut off!

    I may research that, seriously.


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