Sunday, March 6, 2005

Sunday Brunch: Crooks, Liars, and Bacon

For your weekend dining pleasure, we offer you to choose from one of these specialties:

House Specialties

Regional Specialties


  1. Pennacchio for Senate - Pennsylvania

    Crooks & Liars has a blog ad for a Democrat candidate for U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania, Chuck Pennacchio. Why did I visit Crooks & Liars? Link from Basil's Sunday Brunch (thanks for the link love and the mention) to the...


    Are people lying to get a job in your organization?

    Candidates for employment who lie during job interviews and have falsified resumes represent a growing problem in the business world across America. Some of these individuals are especially crafty and are very difficult for the untrained eye to detect.

    Imagine what would happen if one slipped into your organization. If just one of these people gets past you, who will be to blame? Who will be hurt? It could literally be a disaster for the company.

    Thirty percent of all job applicants make material misrepresentations on resumes. 2.6 million background checks found 44 percent of applicants lied about their work histories, 41 percent lied about their education, and 23 percent falsified credentials or licenses.

    However, with proper training, you too can protect your business by screening out the liars. Of course, learning who is lying before it is too late can help you in your personal life as well.

    Recently exposed and unmasked in a front page story in the Los Angeles Times on August 17, 2005, Fred Brito has spent his entire adult life elaborately lying his way into jobs at nonprofits, universities, and churches.

    Read his story here:

    Fred has decided to walk away from the con game and join the other side, leading workshops and seminars to teach HR professionals, recruiters, and members of the employment law community how to keep impostors out of their organizations. Only someone who has actually lived as a con artist, as Fred has, is truly capable of training you to avoid this serious problem.

    ~ Seminar Highlights ~

    Are there telltale signs when you are face-to-face with a fraud?

    Do background checks really provide all of the information that you need?

    How important is the actual job application?

    How do you tell a bogus document from the real thing?

    Are there special interviewing techniques for weeding out a con artist?

    How can you find out if an impostor has already manipulated his/her way into you organization?

    By attending one of his seminars, you too can learn from one of America's most skilled con artists. Fred Brito is a talented and engaging public speaker that gets his message across with passion and never-ending energy. He uses his own life experiences to bring clarity to a problem long overlooked and long over due.

    You will leave Fred's seminar with the ability to spot liars before they infiltrate your organization or even your life.

    To learn more about this amazing seminar please contact:


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