Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Questionable Giveaways

We're trying something different here in August. You know we have those blog interviews? The ones where bloggers sign up to be interviewed, then we take questions? And then the blogger answers them? Yeah, the interviews. Those things.

Something's bothered me lately. It may be just the summer. It may be that people are too busy. It may be that people just don't care. I don't know. But lately, we're getting fewer and fewer questions for the bloggers.

I like questions. The more questions you submit, the more fun (or "funner" if you're from south Georgia) the interviews will be. Or more interesting ("interestinger" if you're from south Georgia).

So, how to get more questions submitted? Well, I don't know. But let's give it a shot.

Begging hasn't helped. Although a couple of people have called the cops and made me leave from in front of their store.

Then I thought we'd try bribery. It's already not working for my campaign to get named the Catfish Fan. So, it can not work for this just as well.

Here's the deal. All emails with questions submitted in August will get thrown into a hat (now I have to go buy a hat). At the end of August, I'll pick one email. Randomly. Actually, I'll count the number of emails submitted in August, then have Excel or something generate a random number from 1 to that number. Then that number email (counting from the top) will be the winner.

The prize? Well, the Catfish T-shirts are all reserved for another giveaway. So, we'll give away a DVD from Amazon.com. Which DVD? Well, I'll let the winner choose. As long as it's reasonable and in stock. I'll buy it and send it out to the winner.

How's that sound? Good old fashioned bribery.

So, it'd be great if you sent in questions to the bloggers being interviewed this week. Then, the ones being interviewed next week, too. The more different bloggers you submit for, the more entries you'll get.

Anyway, send in your questions. And please, PLEASE, use the links on the Upcoming Interviews page. I have them for a reason. Just typing something in the subject doesn't always work. And they won't get counted in the entries, because of the way I've set it up. So use the email links, okay?

Ask your questions! Win a prize! Sell yourself for a DVD! It's all good.


  1. is this like other "give aways"? are family members excluded, or could we win too?

  2. Sure, you can enter. I'll throw your name in the pot with the rest.

    Odds are you won't win anyway. That is, your odds would be the same as everyone's ... no more, no less.

    Of course, if you do win ... how would I announce that and not get into trouble. I'd have to figure something out. It'd probably cost me two DVDs, though.


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