Wednesday, March 9, 2005

So What Makes You Think I Qualify?

Beth of MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, and a bunch of others, do a little thing on Wednesdays called "White Trash Wednesday." Now, it's some funny stuff. And today, being Wednesday and all, Beth and those loonies are at it again.

For a little while now, Beth's been after me to join in the fun. And it looks like fun. But, to be quite honest, I'm not sure of the ground rules. I guess I need to get off my duff and dig back in the archives there and at the other WTW sites and read again how it got started. I have clicked in a couple of places, but I can't find my way to the posts where it all started and what it's all about.

Now, you've probably read the posts over on those sites for the past eight weeks and are saying, "Dude. Just post some stuff about white trash. Or pretend to be white trash. Or something. Just something to make fun of white trash." What? That wasn't you that said that? Am I hearing voices again? Hmmm.

Anyway, being just the way I am, I want to find the ground-rules posts, and haven't put enough effort into doing it. I'm not coming up with an excuse not to play along. It's just the way I am.

But, let's address one other issue: Why does she think I'd qualify as a WTW participant? She does think some of the stuff that appears here is funny, and I appreciate that. But if I am funny in one area doesn't mean I'd be funny in another area. So, making stuff up might not be the way for me to go.

Well, I could research the Internet for news stories about stupid white trash. But, the thing is, if I find stuff like that, I'd be putting it into the Headline News posts already. So, that's not how to go.

Find funny white trash pictures? Well, yeah, that could be done. But it sounds like work.

Just write something up as the inspiration hits? Well, yeah, I could do that, I guess. But, I'd still like to read the WTW ground rules. And I promise to research those, since I don't see a prominent link to them anywhere.

There is one other possibility. Maybe Beth has read the stuff I've written here about things that have happened in the past, and she thought, "That's the white trashiest thing I've ever heard." Well, maybe. But, for the life of me, I can't imagine what I've written that just screams "White Trash!"

I mean, I've never even told the story about the time the wife (now ex-) and I lived in a trailer and I had one of those 8-foot satellite dishes installed. I mean, if Beth knew about that little secret from my past, she'd be hounding me constantly about this White Trash Wednesday thing. ...



  1. It took me a long time to come to terms with and eventually embrace my white trash roots. For many years, I tried to erase from my mind the image of my toothless step-grandpa; shirtless, barefoot, in overalls, standing in the dirt yard of his tumble-down double-wide. "What's the matter with you, stuck-up?" he'd drawl between drags on his Marlboro and sips from his genetically attached can of Schlitz. Oh, the shame!

    But there's no denying the truth and no hiding it, really. Somehow, people can tell that just under the surface lurks a hidden desire to grow a mullet, don a dirty wife-beater, climb into a primered 1978 Camaro and raise some drunken white trash hell! The crewcut and the Brooks Brothers suits aren't fooling anybody.

  2. HAAAAYYY!!!

    U NO Y I KEEP AXING U TO MOVE ON UP TO THE RITE TRAILOR PARK CUZ UR FUNNEY!!! AND YALLS 1 OF US KINDA POEPLE'S AL ALL!!! and plus. you got's a bama bloggin thang on the leff no rite side of ur screan page thing hear and WORST!!! a dragass GORGIA THANG!!! and plus. you got's ur cup holeded out fer freebees like alla rest of us in this. trailor park's and u like CAT FISH!!!!!! of all thing's!!!! but mostedly cuz ur GOIN 2 THE DIXIE BLOGGFEST!!!!!!!!!!!
    and plus b'cuz ur meanass sister an that other sister THAY are jess plane ole silly like me and sadie lou an ray dawn u no and all!!!!!!
    and silly they aint no "rule's" er nothin neether all u got's 2 do is rite some mess on MY DAY!!! and we got's a lil ole blogg rollin thangy. that u can stick in ur post's or ware ever. and us other fokes will have u in are post's u no like KLINKY LUV or some thang!!!! are u kin leeve tractor backs if u aint lazy like i be and some of us be butt not alla us cuz see we dont mind em but we aint got rulz that u gots 2 do em but i likes em. u dont even hafta put no linx 2 us in the post's er nothin butt u kin still leeve a tractor back any ways!!!! aint that cool as a fresh can a DIXIE BEER? butt "MISS BETH" whom is a BITCH maid me tell u if u caint read this u kin ax her what evor i geuss she mus thank u caint read???? see she is a bitch i tole ya. so u gots ur envite so u want's to roll with it its all good with us!!!!

  3. My better-half and I regularly recount things our family members said or did. We like to call it "Who's White-Trashier?" I usually win, usually.

  4. Frank L:
    We've all got some stories to tell. I just got to figure out how to tell them and make out like I'm talking about someone else.

    Beulah Mae:
    Do we get cable TV included with the trailer hookup? I'm wanting to watch COPS on the TV, because I want to keep up with what the kinfolk is doing.

    But is that really a win?


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